Star Student Week

Once you have signed up on the 'Sign Up Genius' link for the week you would like your child to be the 'Star of the Week', here are the general guidelines for that particular week:

Monday - Please help your child prepare a poster about themselves that they should bring in on that Monday of their week. The poster can include pictures of the student, family and friends doing things they enjoy. They can also use this poster to share information about hobbies or decorate with their own art projects.

Any chosen day of that week - Your child will “show and share” with the class. They can bring in an item that they would like to share with their classmates.

Friday (or whatever day we have arranged for the visit) - Please email me prior to or that week and together we can set up a time for you or another family member to come and be a guest reader in the classroom. I can be flexible with both the time and day for this to suit your working needs. If your child has an older sibling in the school, he or she can be the guest reader, as well.